Hugo Beck supports – The new VDMA knowledge portal for sustainable packaging


Frankfurt, 7 May 2020 – The VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association has launched a new knowledge portal on sustainable packaging and packaging technologies.

"We have noticed that the discussion about packaging, especially plastic packaging, is often emotional and not differentiated enough," says Richard Clemens, Managing Director of the VDMA Food Processing and Packaging Machinery Association. The images of dead fish in the sea with plastic in their stomachs and of littered beaches are alarming. But the subject is multilayered and complex and must therefore be viewed holistically, he emphasises. The new knowledge portal follows this holistic approach. "We want to look at things from different angles and perspectives, we want to provide information with data, facts and clear graphics and thus make a factual contribution to the plastics debate," explains Clemens.

A portal for all inquisitive people

The portal provides information on sustainability and circular economy as well as on the functions and value of packaging. In addition, the website shows various packaging materials and their properties, an overview of relevant laws and regulations, as well as infographics and expert interviews. Various company examples from the German packaging machinery industry show what sustainable solutions are already available today.

The portal is aimed not only at packaging machine manufacturers and their customers, but also at all interested parties who wish to obtain neutral information. "For them, we have prepared the knowledge in a factual manner and bundled it compactly in one source of information," explains Richard Clemens. The website is dynamic and is continuously expanded with new content. "So it's worth taking a look more often," says Clemens.

Take a look: and learn more about Hugo Beck's contribution to sustainable packaging solutions for primary and secondary packaging.


The VDMA represents around 3300 German and European companies in the mechanical engineering industry. The industry represents innovation, export orientation, medium-sized companies and employs around four million people in Europe, more than one million of them in Germany.

Abbildung von VDMA Member Logo

"pack4sustainability" is an initiative of the VDMA

The new knowledge portal provides information on sustainable packaging and packaging technologies.


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