
Complete feeder and addressing solutions

The periphery equipment plays a central role, particularly in any post-print processing applications. Our experts manufacture the entire feeder and addressing periphery. From coping with 80 g paper or a 80 mm height catalogue, credit card size or DIN A3 format – thanks to our innovative periphery modules, an extensive range of products can be fed into the machines safely and quickly.

Total flexibility is key aspect to our feeder systems. As each Hugo Beck feeder is equipped with its own control and own drive unit, it can be operated not only with our machines, but also with third-party devices. Either via coupling boxes or simply over photoelectric cells and rotation transducers. The position of each unit is also completely flexible: within a few minutes the feeder can be unplugged and moved to another location.

Find the appropriate feeder or addressing device

Universal Feeder

The universal feeder is usually the main feeder and at the start of the production line. Our universal feeders can cope with very heavy products with a height of between 2 and 80 mm, such as puzzles, cardboard, cutting boards or even simply fleece cloths.

Rotation Feeder

The rotation feeder is suitable for a wide variety of products, as it can be very quickly switched to deal with thin to thick products. It sucks the product and moves it into its pincers to be fed via a rotational movement into the packaging or inserting machine at right angles.

Friction Feeder

The friction feeder operates through a combination of friction and a conveyor belt. It achieves up to 60,000 cycles per hour, can be switched off and height is adjusted via electric motors. It is particularly well suitable for folded or saddle-stitched products such as greeting cards and for dispensing CDs.


We offer a variety of options to address and personalise graphics products such as magazines or mailings. For example, we manufacture bundle label feeders. Or inkjet printers and controllers for selective control are integrated into the machine line (our interfaces are compatible with all common systems).

Do you need our help?

Please get in touch and we will be happy to assist you.


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