Icon of a rectangular packaging with a longitudinal seam of the film at the top and fin seam, creating airtight flowpack packaging.

Flowpack with longitudinal seam above or below

Flowpacks with the characteristic fin seams, appeal thanks to their one hundred percent airtightness and extraordinary stability which enables a sales-effective product presentation at the point of sale.

Hugo Beck's continuous flowpack machines flexibly process both film and paper, as long as a coating of some type, such as PE or cold glue, exists to provide a seal.

Depending on the country, the percentage up to which plastic-coated paper is still recyclable, varies significantly.

Frequently used packaging materials

Products packed with us

Plaster bandage in PE-coated paper

Whether aluminium composite films, Tyvek®, cellophane film, register printed films or film coated paper, everything is possible here as air-tight flowpack packaging with high barrier protection. Products such as face masks, various bandages, ovulation, drug and alcohol tests, wet wipes, pipette boxes, medical tubes, etc. are thus perfectly protected from sunlight and oxygen penetration.

Flowpack with dispersion coated paper
Flowpack with coated kraft paper

Discover our solutions!

Flowpack Machine for Paper Packaging

Flowpack Machine for Paper Packaging

Our box-motion flowpack X packaging machine is suitable for heat and cold-sealable cellulose-/paper-based packaging materials. Thanks to continuous transversal sealing, a long dwell time and high sealing pressure is achieved enabling optimum processing of the most diverse coated papers, such as barrier paper, kraft/offset/parchment and other papers with PE, PLA or dispersion coatings. The flowpack X packs goods in paper or film, by a simple changeover.

Hugo Beck flowpack X fully automated with SEW-EURODRIVE

Hugo Beck flowpack X fully automated with SEW-EURODRIVE

How it was possible to realize a compressed air-free and energy-efficient packaging machine with SEW-EURODRIVE you can see in this video.

Applicable Industries

Pharmaceutical & Medical Technology


Household Goods

Cosmetics & Hygiene

Machine Options

flowpack X

Flowpack Machine for Film and Paper

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Together, we will find the ideal packaging solution for your products.


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